
Showing posts from July, 2019

Windows program errors using 2D-3D softwares expectation? What not to do?

Today, i just want to write an article to let you know what was happened with me while using windows programs and maybe it help you to take action as soon as possible while facing the problems i did. Errors image Error Description Usually, while working on a system we face many errors and try to fix ourself as long as we can if we don’t find any solution offline then we go online and find the solution of that problem but what if none of those solutions working on your pc or there is no tutorials available for that online, now you can say to use a cd to install that system software again yes, sounds problem solving at all and what about the data that stored in that software? so you can say that one can backup that data before flashing the software, yeah great up to here but what if we flashing that software because of virus? what we can do then? If we backup data from that software and paste to new one, that virus will take place on the new one too. So what we need to do? we

What softwares to use to make 2D and 3D Graphics for videos?

Before going further, i want to let you shortly understand what 2D or 3D is? so lets go Nowadays, taking a photo using mobile or any camera is handy, you can say the photo you took from that device is a 2D photo, 2D image come to the next one- anything which has volume, space and can be seen from any angle is a 3D means-three dimensional thing. 3D image So come to the point now, what softwares i use to make 2D or 3D graphics. I use three that i like- two for 2D and one for 3D_ Adobe Photoshop (for 2D graphics) Adobe Photoshop image If any of you guys like photo-editing, you must of familiar with this software. This software is made to design 2d graphics and if you the just know about it, its quite rough for you to at the first impression but let me tell you that this is the only software i found that has very easy UI(User Interface). Adobe Illustrator (for 2D graphics) Adobe Illustrator image This is the software by adobe that i rarely use to make

How to create your own website for free?

If you want to to start your online business, blogging or want to know how to make a free website with free domain, hosting and SSL, you’re good to go down below and if you heard the name ‘SSL’ for the first time, i’ll clear you and one more thing is that i’m not going to talk about the lifetime hosting, domain and SSL providers, all service providers differ and for a limited amount of time only- now we’re ready to go_ Create Your Website image So, when we make website we need couple of things to make it work, Domain is the first thing we need which actually represents as a site name like the one here:, In this url ‘owaisin’ is the domain name and blogspot is sub-domain name. So the website which provides a free domain name is_ Freenom (Domain) This site provides free and premium both domain names. Go to its official site and at the home page, you’ll find a search bar, just type a name you want as your domain name and search, it’ll g

What video editing softwares to use to edit videos?

Hi Every reader, my today’s blog is about video editing softwares that i use to create, compose and edit my green screen videos and if anyone of you guys new on my site, let me tell you that in my previous blog i share a visual effect video i made, if you wanna look at that go there_ So there is not a single software for creating, compositing and editing, i use 2- one for creating and compositing and one for the editing. Adobe After Effects (for creating and compositing) For now, when i finished shooting the video clips – at starting i import my clips to After Effects, its a compositing software we can’t use this to override any effects, its design to add layer-after-layer so we’ll use this software to animate and transform our video. If you wondering how to use it, you can get professional tutorials on youtube to learn and grasp it quikly. When i installed this software on my system- at first look i just understand how t

First girl of my life?

Before my 8th standard, i was the boy like there was no love feelings generated inside and good in living with no stress and have fun all the time. And then it was 8th, first couple of months gone with no tension of getting or loosing anything, learning new things and chilling was the daily routine. At the end of my 8th standard Then at the end of my 8th, there was a girl in our class but i didn’t see her before ‘because she was in another section and there was no contact of mine from another section”s students that time’ and i looked at her first time, she was looking very happy, charming, sensitive and beautiful while talking and i just wanna talk to her but my eyes and my whole body was busy in watching her around 360 and i thought she is the girl i’m waiting for with lots of things messing up my mind. From that time i try to not to skip any day to see her daily which make me feels happy and joy, one can say that ‘i was fall in love with her’. Now as i said it was end of 8th s

How to make a Visual Effect video? Things you need

Hi, this is my first blog on this site and i'll tell you everything about_ How i made my visual effect( vfx ) video? Before going any further, if you didn't read my blogger description let me tell you here that i'm a full time graphic designer, programmer and will try my best to be a part time blogger to share my experience with you. So the first question i need to expand is 'How i made my visual effect video?' As i mentioned my skills above, you need to be a 3d graphic designer to make your own 3d backgrounds and use those for your foreground keyed out green screen. What is 'keyed out green screen' above means? Yeah this is the good question if you're a beginner, so keyed out green screen means that if you want to make a visual effect clip then your foreground clip's background should be a green screen clip - you can change that green screen background into a transparent one using some advanced softwares available on the interne