What video editing softwares to use to edit videos?

Hi Every reader, my today’s blog is about video editing softwares that i use to create, compose and edit my green screen videos and if anyone of you guys new on my site, let me tell you that in my previous blog i share a visual effect video i made, if you wanna look at that go there_ https://www.owaisin.ml/my-first-visual-effectvfx-video/

So there is not a single software for creating, compositing and editing, i use 2- one for creating and compositing and one for the editing.

Adobe After Effects (for creating and compositing)

For now, when i finished shooting the video clips – at starting i import my clips to After Effects, its a compositing software we can’t use this to override any effects, its design to add layer-after-layer so we’ll use this software to animate and transform our video. If you wondering how to use it, you can get professional tutorials on youtube to learn and grasp it quikly. When i installed this software on my system- at first look i just understand how to import the file but then watch a tutorial on youtube, actually a tutorial was enough for me, At first day i grasp the basics then i started using it and the days go on and when i finally finished my creating and compositing i also completely understand how to use After Effect at all.

Adobe Premiere Pro (for editing)

This software has the power of tones, color, texture and much more for the final touch of the video, it actually designed for the final editing. In this we can override any fading or color effects layers to our clips, we can also use this to animate our videos so if you want to animate or color your video, you’re good to go with this but remember you can’t use this to mixturize a layer because this is not a compositing software as stated above


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